• All homework assignments are due on Mondays (see schedule), and should be submitted through Blackboard.

  • Programming exercises should be submitted as a Jupyter notebook. Please submit (i) the notebook itself, and (ii) a .html export of the notebook, with all cells executed in order, and all required plots and answers clearly visible. (To run all cells in order and export: click Kernel -> Restart & Run All, and then File -> Download As -> HTML).

  • Theoretical exercises should be submitted as a PDF. Scans of handwriting are acceptable.

  • You may collaborate with others when solving the problems, but your writeup should be your own work.

  • Please list the names of your collaborators (if any) on your submission.

  • Explain your work as concisely as possible. You may be graded on clarity of explanation, as well as “correctness.”

  • When you draw graphs, make them as informative as possible by labeling the axes and by annotating important locations.